Friday 24 December 2010

Xmas BLOG 2010

It is always at this time of the year that I reminisce most about the joys of
winter nights out gigging.

I played for many years in a three/ four piece function band and coming up to Christmas was always our busiest time.
We played many corporate dinner dances at lavish London hotels and some very nice club venues. Nice gigs, well paid, always good food and a good bonus for going over time.

Altogether a great experience until, that is, the end of the night when, many times in minus temperatures, the Hammond (which was always heavier at the end of a gig) and Leslie had to be manhandled down flights of icy fire escapes, The Jerry Allen trolley finding four inches of snow totally non navigable and the CF van ( not a transit man) completely frozen up.

My thoughts are therefore with all of you braving these current torrid conditions in the name of music and entertainment hoping the enjoyment of the performance will far out way the behind the scenes, real work the paying customers never gets to see.

On the other hand I must admit to being more than somewhat jealous of today’s Hammond players having such incredible instruments like the Xk1 and Xk3 that make this part of their gigging life so much easier.

I would like to wish all of our friends and customers, gigging musicians or otherwise a very happy and safe Christmas and healthy and prosperous 2011.
